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- what's the "business of living", anyways?
what's the "business of living", anyways?
the TBoL architecture

CONCEPT: What does it mean to be in the “business of living”, anyways?
I firmly believe that there are two categories of entrepreneurs.
There are those who start a business and allow it to take over their life — usurping their free time, friendships, love life, vacations, and entire personality. They love what they do (which is great), but they conflate their worthiness and quality of life with the success of their business. And as a result, they are straight up not having a good time…even while earning the average American yearly salary in one month.
And then there are those who start a business because they know it will help them live the life they want. For some, this means luxury cars and five-star travel. For others, it means getting to work from home and be with the kids, or popping into a bougie Pilates class in the middle of the day. These entrepreneurs may not be fixated on making a million dollars in one month, or having the biggest sold-out launch in the industry….but they sure as hell care about never having to close out of an online shopping cart they really wanted, or wake up to an alarm clock, ever again.
The first category of entrepreneurs live for their business. The second category of entrepreneurs are in the business of living.
Now, before we get into why this matters, let’s get one thing straight…I’m not judging anybody for feeling passionate about their business. In fact, I think a little obsession is where the magic really happens, and if running your business is the full-time thing that you do for a living, it SHOULD occupy a lot of your headspace.
But that occupation needs to happen in a way that makes you feel excited! And inspired! And happy!
The unfortunate reality of our industry is that many very successful, high-earning business owners are not fucking happy. People earning $30,000 a month are miserable. People earning $60,000 a month are miserable. I’ve coached them and been in Masterminds with them. It is common.
Why are they unhappy?
Usually, it’s because they aren’t actually running their business in a way that is congruent with what sparks joy, their skills, and their desired lifestyle. They’re doing shit they hate and sacrificing a lot in the process, because it’s “working.” They’re letting trends and the en vogue coach of the moment dictate their strategy. They’re putting pressure on themselves to hit goals and milestones in a certain timeframe. They’re making decisions that actively work in opposition of their dream life, without even realizing it. (I fell into this trap, so I’m speaking from firsthand experience. You can read more about it here.)
But here’s the thing…
Business doesn’t have to be this way. When you’re in the business of living, your business is not your life…it supports your life. It becomes the vehicle for your creativity, desire, experimentation, and unique value. You call the shots, make (or break) the rules, and set new industry standards. Your work is fulfilling and gives you the space to decide how much you want to lean in. You get to do what you love, completely by your own design. And your life ALWAYS comes first. (I literally call this the Life First principle, that’s how strongly I believe in it.)
The structure of the business and how it is set up to earn revenue. This includes offers, marketing, sales practices, client experience, daily operations, etc.
Your “zone of genius” areas. What are you really fucking good at? What comes naturally to you? What skills could you offer or teach that you are reasonably confident people will report you know your sh*t about?
How you live your life. In particular, how do you spend your time and money? What is the most important to you on a daily basis? This will determine which types of offers, marketing, and sales methodologies are going to be a good fit, as well as how you should price your offers and set sales targets.
Who you are, what’s important to you, what helps you stand out from others who do what you do, and how you make people feel…all packaged into your visual and verbal identity. Your personal brand is so much more than just photos, colors, and fonts. It is literally how you show the world WHO YOU ARE — including your values, beliefs, quirks, stories, personality, your overall vibe. And when you’re good at it, you create a community of loyal fans who will buy from you no matter what.
These areas all have to work in conjunction with one another to help you create a business that is joyful and expansive. Here’s how: